Dear dhamma friends,

Upgrade of Wat Puthanimittam's Landscape
We are at the end of the “rain season”, contributions thus far will be used for the construction of the celestial dragons, the “dragon scales” fund will be use to construct the scales of the two celestial dragons.
The upgrade of “Wat Puthanimittam landscape” project evolved from a responsibility to teach man to live in a harmonious symbiosis with nature. Buddha and his disciples reveled in the silent solitary natural habitats unencumbered by human activity.
Buddha is conscious of the evil of pollution in its various form and this project is Wat Puthanimittam social and spiritual responsibility to provide a beautiful, natural environment that will provide great joy and aesthetic satisfaction to the local community. In Buddhism,some of the main events in the life of Buddha took place in the open air... He was born by a tree and he attained enlightenment by the foot of a Bodhi tree. Large trees are esteemed in Buddhism and some are recognized as the Bodhi trees of former Buddhas.
So please join us in this spiritual quest.... to preserve the beauty of nature and tap this source of strength and help teach mankind to treat nature in a caring and protective way. Please find time to donate. Thank you.